Manuscript Submission GuideLines Description
Manuscript Title - No abbreviations
- Briefly describe the contents
Details of the Author - Provide full names and affiliations of all authors
- For corresponding author: Provide live address, telephone, fax, and email address
Image Submission - Submit high-resolution images
- Authors are responsible for copyrighted images during the submission and publication process
Submission - Submit through: [email protected]
Instructions to be Followed - Brief title describing the content of the image
- Images must be submitted in TIFF, PDF, or PPT formats
- Image description limited to 250 words
- Minimum resolutions for images: halftones and color (RGB) 100-200 dpi, combination halftones 350 dpi, line art 500 dpi
- Properly mention citations/references (URL)
Figures and Tables Figures:
- Suggested formats: JPEG, GIF, TIFF, etc.
- Provide Photoshop indexes if pictures require differential segments on distinctive layers
Figure Legends:
- Use numerical designation (e.g., Figure 1)
- Include justifiable descriptions if necessary
- Tables can be included in the text or submitted as a separate file
- Orient tables in portrait form (not landscape)
- Tables should be upright on the page, not sideways
Equations as Graphics - If equations cannot be encoded in MathML, submit them in TIFF or EPS format as discrete files
- Font size in equations and tables should be consistent and legible throughout submissions
Note - No specific word count limit for manuscript types
- Word count may vary depending on the type of research
Suggested Equation Extraction Method - Table Specifications
- Equation Specifications
Supplementary Information - Include discrete items (Materials & Methods, Figures, Tables, etc.) referred to in the main text
- Include a summary diagram/figure (optional)
- Supply Supplementary Information as a single PDF file, if possible
- Keep image size within the permitted limits (maximum size: 640 x 480 pixels)
Author Corrections - Authors' suggestions for corrections are acceptable
- Ensure that corrections are clearly legible
Manuscript Processing Plagiarism:
- Plagiarism is considered fraud and is strictly prohibited
- Authors should delineate and credit the source of copied text
Peer Review - All manuscripts undergo peer review to maintain high standards
Processing Fee - Manuscript processing fee is charged for publication
- Fees contribute to maintaining published manuscripts online
Manuscript Withdrawal Charges - No penalty for withdrawal before pre-review process
- Withdrawal penalty applies after manuscript submission
Publication Ethics - High publication ethics are maintained by the journal
- Authors are given credit for their work
- Editors and reviewers

Types of Manuscripts

Article Type Word Limit Abstract Word Limit References Limit
Original/Research 6000-7000 words 150-250 words Not Applicable
Review 5000 words 150-250 words Not Applicable
Case Report 2000-3000 words 150-250 words 15-30 references
Editorials 1000 words Not Applicable 5-10 references
Mini-Review 3000 words 150-250 words 15-25 references
Letter to the Editor 1000 words Not Applicable 5-10 references
Clinical Images 200-300 words Not Applicable 3-5 references

Note: The references limit represents the minimum and maximum number of references allowed for each article type.

Refund Policy:

Once the manuscript is accepted and payment has been made, AJSCCR journal does not provide the refund if an author requests for a withdrawal. It is important for authors to carefully consider their decision to submit the manuscript and proceed with the publication process, as refunds cannot be issued after these stages have been completed.

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    • 1275 4th Street #4004,
    •         Santa Rosa, California, 95404
    • +1 7755157689
    • [email protected]